Audio Interviews by Dan Hanson, the Great Lakes Geek
Cathy Horton
Beta Strategy Group
When attorney Cathy Horton returned to Cleveland after 15 years in London, she parlayed her business and legal experience with her entrepreneurial nature to create a series of successful ventures.
Ms. Horton has become a powerful and outspoken force in the local business and tech community. Listen to her interview.
With her success as an attorney and then as a serial entrepreneur, Cathy has become a role model to many women (and men) venturing into business.
By popular request she began answering questions about business and life submitted to her on and Ask Cathy was born.
In this podcast version of Ask Cathy, Cathy will answer business, leadership and community questions. She will explain her philosophy and share some experiences that led to her success.
Jerry Seinfeld jokes that because more people list the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death, they would prefer to be in the casket rather than giving the eulogy. Cathy Horton is known for her seemingly effortless public speaking ability.
Is that something people are born with or can that craft be learned and polished like any other? Let's ask Cathy. Ask Cathy 04-21-09
If you want to schedule Cathy Horton to speak to your company or at your event, please contact us.
Things happen. Sometimes circumstances or situations occurred when we were younger that we would handle differently now. Does that mean that we are forever branded as problems to potential employers?
Is there really such a thing as a permanent record? Cathy's answer may surprise you. Ask Cathy 04-21-09