Kaiser Permanente's Patricia Kennedy Scott didn't pull any punches at the SmartBusinessLive luncheon on August 10th. "Our health care system, in my view, is fundamentally broken."
She told how US health care costs are the highest in the world - by a significant margin. She also warned about the "ticking bomb" of those who don't practice prevention comparing it to Mr. Goodwrench: "Pay me now or pay me later." And "later costs much more."
46 million Americans have no health care insurance.
She presented a chart showing that 90% of the healthcare dollars are spent on 10% of the population.
GM now pays more for healthcare than for steel. Starbucks pays more for healthcare than for coffee. But Ms Scott says "most politicians don't want to attach their name" to reform.
Ms Scott says a" revolution is needed" with 3 prongs:
- Coverage for all
- Cost Containment
- Quality
She pointed to the Massachusetts plan as a model for the rest of us to adopt.
Terry Vlk of American Express and
Patricia Kennedy Scott of Kaiser Permanente
Joe Skoda of Skoda Minotti and Fred Koury of SBN
Patricia Klavora of Marketing 360,
Mary Stewart McGovern of Stewart McGovern Enterprises
and Sarah Moore of eSearch
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