Vmed smartphone case measures your health vitals CES 2021
Though Covid-19 made CES 2021 a virtual affair, thanks to ShowStoppers we were able to see some of the latest and greatest technology via Zoom press conferences.
Remember when you had to strap on a pedometer to track how many steps you walked? Or some of the kludgy wearable accessories to monitor your pulse or other health vitals? Even modern smart watches and trackers have limitations and you have to wear them.
Your phone is always with you, right? So is its case. Vmed is the World's only smartphone case to accurately measure your body's vital statistics and report data in real time.
Its Dr. Approved and Validated and has 10 Body Measurements plus Covid-19 specific vitals.
The Vmed accurately measures your body's vital statistics and allows you to see the data in real time. Your data can be saved for later review and comparison.
The Vmed measures more vitals than any device on the market today - 10 Body Measurements
8 Essential Body Stats Measured:
Heart Rate (HR)
HR Variability
Blood Oxygen (Sp02)
Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG)
Blood Pressure
Breathing Rate (BR)
BR Variability (BRV
Plus 2 Overall Body Analysis Results:
Vmed is Non-Invasive (No blood or saliva required). It's thin and lightweight. It's Dr. approved and validated with multiple patented technologies.