The Northeast Ohio Software Association (NEOSA) recognized outstanding tech companies and entrepreneurs in the region at the Best of Tech Awards on May 22. "We're very proud to recognize some great companies and leaders this year,” said Brad Nellis, director of NEOSA. “Paring the nearly 70 nominations down to our finalists and winners was very difficult. We should be proud that such fine companies call Cleveland and the surrounding region home.” PC and Tech Historian and Producer Robert X. Cringely gave the keynote address at the event. See more and listen to Robert X. Cringely. 
NEOSA director Brad Nellis
2008 Best of Tech Award winners:Best Tech Leader - Small Company - Jason Therrien, Thunder::Tech (Cleveland)
- Mid-Size Company - Mark Williams, Virtual Hold Technology (Akron)
- Large Company - AJ Hyland, Hyland Software (Westlake)
Best IT Services Company The CSC Group (Strongsville) Best Internship Program Brulant (Beachwood) Best Website / e-Commerce Application (Solon) Best Emerging Company Summit Data Communications (Akron) Best Software Product – Breakout (for an early stage company that has less than 100 employees and has been offering product less than 5 years) SageQuest (Beachwood) Best Software Product – Impact (for a company that has been in business more than 5 years) Urbancode (Cleveland)

Award Finalists from e-Ventus - Carl Gonzales, Joe LaMantia and Denise Ellis

Aztek's John Hill and Hyland Software's AJ Hyland

Andy Halko and Laura Wright of Insivia

Gabe Torok, Robert X. Cringely, Phil Alexander and Dan McMullen

Jim Sage, Phil Alexander and Brad Nellis award students from West Geauga High School

University of Akron's Jim Sage and NEOSA's Brad Nellis with Akron Fairlawn student winner

Jim Hammett and Tim Connors of Calfee Halter

O-Web's Alex Yakubovich and Stan Garber with Holly Therrien

OneCommunity President Scot Rourke and

Rachel Winfield and Tech Czar Mike DeAloia

Robert X. Cringely keynote
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