The Greater Cleveland Sports Awards were created in 2000 by the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission as its annual fundraising event. It is the biggest sports show in Northeast Ohio, honoring the best and brightest in the area's amateur and professional sports.
Good Morning America Anchor Robin Roberts emceed the event held in the Renaissance Hotel Grand Ballroom.

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts Emcee of the Event
Listen to Robin Roberts discuss women's athletics 1,370KB 1:27
The Frances Kaszubski story. This Cleveland Woman Olympic athlete was told that female athletes could never have children! Read her story by Judge Diane Karpinski and see how times have changed for the better.
 Renaissance Hotel Ballroom before the event
Table setting in the Ballroom

Kate and (Indians Manager) Eric Wedge
 Dick "Bam Bam" Ambrose with Olympic wrestler Matt Ghafarri

Dan Hanson with Olympic star Dominique Moceanu
Rapid Robert - Bob Feller

Tony Rizzo and Dan Coughlin interviewing Jim Chones

# 34 - Austin Carr

Lebron James Akron SVSM Jersey in the auction

Skating Legends Carol Heiss-Jenkins and husband Hayes Jenkins

Bobby 'Bingo' Smith

Dan Hanson with boxer Vonda Ward

Pronk - Travis Hafner

Browns and Kentucky legend Bob Gain and wife Kitty

Greater Cleveland Sports Commission's David Gilbert (right)
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