Magnum Computers Annual Holiday Party Bo Loong - December 6, 2018 |
Each year we like to gather an eclectic group of friends and business associates for a holiday lunch. No, it's not just techies. Media, non-profits, politicians, business, cultural - they were all represented. The food and atmosphere at Bo Loong at 38th and St. Clair is always terrific and our 75 guests maxed out the party room. The attendees are involved in one or more of the projects that we are involved in such as: - Computers Assisting People (CAP) Inc. which has refurbished and donated almost 20,000 PCs to over 500 schools and non-profits in Cleveland.
- where we celebrate the 100+ ethnic groups in the area and make it a more attractive destination for immigrant talent as well as showing what a cool and diverse city we live in.
- which has grown, by popular demand, from a section on GreatLakesGeek to its own website with some great speakers and topics.
- which was intended to give visiting reporters some interesting stories during the RNC and Cavs championship run but has evolved into a collection of great Cleveland stories, firsts and landmarks.
- which is for foodies, chefs and wannabe chefs as we celebrate how Cleveland has become a foodie town with great chefs and restaurants.
- Cleveland Food Adventurers a group that visits local ethnic restaurants and learns about the food and culture while enjoying camaraderie and a great meal.
- for the 50 and over crowd and those who care for and about them.
- ClevelandWomen.Com for girls and women of all ages in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio
- Cleveland International Hall of Fame which recognizes lifetimes of important and enduring contributions to Cleveland's multi cultural communities.
- The business, science and technology information on is becoming more essential as many of our longtime favorite print publications have disappeared or cut back.
- Magnum Computers Inc. where we try and earn some $ so we can volunteer more for CAP and support our other projects. (grin)
- ClevelandPets.Com for the four-legged (and other) members of our families.
- And some more projects we are working on
When asked what the diverse group of guests had in common, some reflection made it clear that they, like us, love Cleveland. Most have had many opportunities to work and live in other cities. But we have all chosen to be here because we believe in the city. As attendees introduced themselves, this became evident and all were impressed by the positive outlooks expressed. And though the techies naturally gravitated to their own area, as did the media, international, political and other types of guests the fun was when seemingly unconnected people discovered a thread that connected them to someone else in the room. Want to be invited next year? Let's do some positive things together next year. Let's talk. Enjoy these photos taken by Harry Weller and Anjan Ghose (random order) of some of the 2018 guests. Sorry to those who are not in any of the photos such s Cuyahoga County Council's Yvonne Conwell, Cleveland Councilman Mike Polensek, TV videographer Ralph Tarsitano, Joe LaMantia, President, e-Ventus Corporation, Samantha Peddicord and others.
Overdrive CEO Steve Potash and Serial Entrepreneur Ron Copfer
Dan Hanson and Jacqueline Muhammed, Community Engagement & Legislative Affairs, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport

Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish and WKYC News Anchor Russ Mitchell

Judge Dan Polster of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio
Ed 'Flash' Ferenc, Cleveland Municipal Court Public Information Officer and Meteorologist Brad Sussman
Packaging manufacturer John Lewis and Winking Lizard owner John Lane
Attorney Dick Pogue
Eric Diamond of Cleveland Culinary Launch and Kitchen,Gordon Priemer, president of J&M Real Estate Advisors, Cleveland Councilman Anthony Brancatelli and the councilman's executive assistant Marcelina Sladewska
Former Ohio House of Representatives Ed Jerse, Cleveland City Councilman Matt Zone with Armond and Amy Budish

Russ Mitchell, Magda Gomez, Director, Diversity & Inclusion at Cuyahoga Community College and Brunswick Mayor Ron Falconi

Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation VP Tom Turkaly, Dr. Richard Crepage and CPA Samy Tanious
Attorney and Hispanic Community leader Jose Feliciano

Attorney Debbie Yue, Zhenting Men from the Cleveland International Fund and Alexander Lackey from the City of Cleveland Mayor's Office
Friendship Foundation founder Gia Hoa Ryan with Pat Hanson

Honorary Lithuanian Consul Ingrida Bublys and Polish community leader Connie Adams
Author Les Roberts and Kathy Ghose

UBS Financial Advisor John Mooney, Aztek CEO John Hill and attorney Lou McMahon
Do you need a Speaker for your Company or Organization? Or are you interested in speaking opportunities?
Visit the Cleveland Speakers Bureau. ***
Cleveland Foundation Digital Innovation Fellow Joshua Edmonds and Michael Patterson of Margaret W. Wong's office
Former Cleveland City Councilman Zack Reed

American Red Cross Communications and Marketing Manager Jim McIntyre, Ingrida Bublys and Caryn Candisky, District Director at Office of U.S. Senator Rob Portman
Anita Kazarian, Dan Hanson and attorney and author Lt Col. Joseph Meissner

David Fleshler, Case Western Reserve University Vice Provost for International Affairs with Richard Eastburn
Chinese community leader Anthony Yen
Connie Adams with American Nationalities Movement Past president Irene Morrow and daughter Bobbi
Jennifer Feierabend and Oahn Loi-Powell
Anjan and Kathy Ghose with Gia Hoa Ryan and honored guests from Vietnam
Paul Burik, Kathy Ghose, Anita Kazarian, Nada Martinovics and Ken Kovach
Dan Hanson and David Fleshler
CAMEO President Pierre Bejjani and August Pust
August Pust with Ingrida and Romas Bublys
Pierre and Mary Bejjani with Jacqueline Muhammed
Caryn Candinsky, Joshua Edmonds, Zhenting Men and Debbie Yue
Asim Datta and Steve Potash
Guests from Vietnam with Mike and Oanh Powell
CAP volunteer Rich Woods, Lou McMahon and Pat Hanson
Michael Patterson and Harry Weller
Rania Abbadi, Dan Hanson and Anthony Yen
Think you know Cleveland? You may be surprised by what you don't know.
Visit Cleveland 101 and see famous and obscure Cleveland events, people, places and more ***
John Lewis and Thompson Hine's Mike Hardy
John Hill, Jim Dorazio and Ron Copfer
Mary Bejjani and Samy Tanious
Are you a Foodie? A Wannabe Chef?
A Food Industry Entrepreneur?
Visit Cleveland Cooks ***
John Mooney and Rich Woods
Dan Hanson with Armond and Amy Budish
Les Roberts and friend
Jacqueline Muhammed
Gordy Priemer, Eric Diamond and Ken Kovach

Russ Mitchell, Rich Crepage, Kathy Ghose, Asim Datta and Magda Gomez
Mike Patterson and Ed Flash Ferenc
Rania Abaddi and Nada Martinovics
Cleveland is home to about 120 distinct ethnic groups. What's your heritage?
Visit for photos, videos, resources, calendar of events and more. ***
Armond Budish
Paul Burik and Dan Hanson
Rich Crepage, Pat Hanson, August Pust and Anita Kazarian
Steve Potash and Zhenting Men
Matt Zone, Nada Martinovics, Dan Hanson, Mary and Pierre Bejjani
Amy and Armond Budish, Ed Flash Ferenc and Brad Sussman
Dan Hanson, Eric Diamond and Gordy Priemer
Russ Mitchell, Magda Gomez and Gordon Priemer
Dan Hanson and John Mooney
Joe Meissner and Jim Dorazio
Dan Hanson, Les Roberts and Connie Adams
Asim Datta
Anjan and Kathy Ghose
Want to be invited next year? Let's do some positive things together next year. Let's talk.
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