Health Care is a huge industry and On-line Health Care is going to be a large part of it. Increased privacy, timeliness, lower costs and convenience are just a few of the benefits. But is it safe? Is it private? Dr. Miles Jones is Medical Director of Net Doctor International. Dr Jones quotes industry statistics stating that the average physician visit is only 13 minutes - including greeting time and looking at your chart. And you only have 17 seconds to get your point across to your doctor (on average) before he or she takes control of the conversation. Time spent with a patient is only one of the benefits that brings to the party according to Dr. Jones. It can relieve the embarrassment of certain issues, be available 24x7 and save money.
In this interview, Dr. Jones tells us about on-line health care and why the medical establishment isn't happy about it. November 7, 2006 Interview 9,772 KB 10:25
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Dr Jones states that even in the ancient Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, issues of medical cost control and malpractice were being debated