Last year, Boundless Flight morphed their annual summer picnic into a joint Gathering of the Geeks. Saturday July 24, 2010 was the second annual T3chnic Picnic at the picnic grounds at St. Sava's in Parma.
Gary Baney working the grill
It was a sweltering day but the attendees had a blast. Live jazz and bluegrass music, lots of picnic food and drinks, raffles and geeky camaraderie kept the people (fairly) cool.Marc Canter of Broadband Mechanics held court and explained his Digital City concept. 
Marc Canter discussing Digital City
New this year was the Computer Bowl. In honor of Cleveland champion Anamika Veeramani, the Computer Bowl was in a spelling bee format. Contestants lined up to hear a question from the Great Lakes Geek. If they answered it correctly, they advanced to the next round. If they missed, they endured a long walk of shame back to their seat. After several rounds of back and forth, Andy Craze of Codeswell.Com emerged as winner of the Computer Bowl. He received 4 box seats (behind home plate) for a Tribe game and bragging rights. 
Dan Hanson, Heidi Hopper and Andy Craze after the Computer Bowl
Kudos to Gary Baney, Heidi Hooper and Boundless Flight for another great event for the Cleveland technology community. See more photos on Susie Sharp's Facebook album.
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