Lincoln Electric Wind Tower Dedication and Ribbon Cutting August 23, 2011
Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik spoke at the dedication of the new 443' tall Lincoln Electric Wind Turbine. Mayor Cervenik says the Tower is now a Euclid landmark and praised the public/private partnership that made it happen.
Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik
Cuyahoga County Executive Ed Fitzgerald called the wind turbine a "tangible symbol of what our potential is."
Cuyahoga County Executive Ed Fitzgerald
Kenersys produced the 2.5 megawatt turbine.
Paulo Soares, Kenersys Group CEO
George Blankenship, president of Lincoln Electric North America
John Stropki Jr., CEO of Lincoln Electric
John Stropki Jr., CEO of Lincoln Electric, George Blankenship, president of Lincoln Electric North America and Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik cut the ribbon at the dedication of the new 443' tall Lincoln Electric Wind Turbine.
Ohio State Rep Kenny Yuko and Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik
County Prosecutor Bill Mason and Kenersys CEO Paolo Soares
Lincoln Electric CEO John Stropki Jr with Cuyahoga County Executive Ed Fitzgerald and Lincoln president George Blankenship
Lincoln Electric CEO John Stropki Jr with Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik and Lincoln president George Blankenship
Lincoln Electric CEO John Stropki Jr with key project leaders and Lincoln president George Blankenship