The Corporate Club at Landerhaven tackled a crucial issue at the September 15, 2011 program. The topic was Globalizing Cleveland and the panelists were Albert Ratner, Co-Chair Emeritus of Forest City Enterprise, Barbara Snyder, President of Case Western Reserve University and Larry Benders, Director of Development for Cuyahoga County.
Moderator Chris Tye, Albert Ratner, Barbara Snyder and Larry Benders
A large and diverse audience listened to the ideas from the panel to grow Cleveland and make it a more welcoming community for people and businesses.
Albert Ratner said our region has not done well over the last decades because we have not grown population like other regions. He said that we need more people. Population growth comes from births over death, people from outside the country moving in and people migrating from other cities. Ratner said we need all kinds of people including people of color and people with talents. 
Albert Ratner
Barbara Snyder said that CWRU is always recruiting and this year 10% of the undergrad students and 20% of the graduate students will come from outside the US.
Barbara Snyder
Listen to Albert Ratner and Barbara Snyder discuss population
Larry Benders
Albert Ratner said 1904 was Cleveland's best year because the great business community began to develop. This was the group that built the museums and hospitals. As they moved on, a vacuum was created and the region suffered. Ratner said, "It's all about leadership."
Listen to Albert Ratner talk about Cleveland leadership
Forest City can go anywhere in the country but they stay in Cleveland "because it's a great place." But new ideas are needed. Albert Ratner said at the end of the day, it's all about ideas. He then offered 3 sample ideas to grow Cleveland. They concerned senior citizens, the movie industry and the foreclosure crisis.

He quoted a study that said Cost of Living trumps all including climate, proximity and family. Seniors surveyed chose the following preferences:
- Cost of Living
- Healthcare
- Culture
- Climate
- Community
- Close to Kids
- Close to Grandkids
- Close to Parents/in-laws
Ratner said that Cleveland has the highest percentage of workers in health care and the lowest rental costs. It should be a mecca for seniors.He also spoke of the potential growth of the movie industry in Cleveland and suggested turning American Greetings building into a movie studio. His 3rd idea was to be "the first state to figure out the foreclosure problem" because of our inexpensive housing.
Listen to Albert Ratner's 3 ideas

Moderator Chris Tye, Albert Ratner, Barbara Snyder and Larry Benders
A young professional asked Al Ratner how Global Cleveland planned on working with the grassroots organizations. Mr. Ratner said that Global Cleveland came out of the grassroots and plans to work with and partner with these organizations.
Listen to Mr. Ratner discuss the Grassroots
As usual at the Corporate Club at Landerhaven, the professional networking was a key component of the event.
Pat Valente and Pradip Kamat

Samir Gautam of J.P. Morgan and Rich Creppage of CCWA
Elizabeth Madaglla, Ashlee Stewart-Patterson and Thomas Hoiles
Derek Green, Greg Steidl and Jeff May of PNC Bank

Cassie Gaffney with Senator Grace Drake

Dan Hanson and Lute Harmon Sr.

Julie Park, Jenny Han and Kennedy Ricci of Gilmour Academy

August Pust, Pat Hanson and Luis Martinez

Hazel Brown, Arlene Fine and Susan Zack

Alex Hohl, Maurice Horsey, Anthony Balentine, Jared Moss and Angelo Coutris from Beachwood High School

Hal and Susan LaPine with Judy Wong

Glenn Brown, Pat Valente and Greg Polyak

Donna Leseman, Phil Stella and Jim Spring
Rita Singh and Judy Wong
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