The April 12, 2012 meeting of the Rotary Club of Cleveland celebrated International Fellowship Day. The event featured the presentation of the International Service Award to:
Senator George V. Voinovich, United States Senator from the State of Ohio (1999-2011) and 65th Governor of the State of Ohio (1991-1998) and 54th Mayor of the City of Cleveland, OH (1980-1989). This award was presented to Senator Voinovich "not only for his commitment to a better world and the furtherance of world understanding and peace,
but also for his global vision and support of international business development in the City of Cleveland and the State of Ohio."
Enjoy these images from the Rotary meeting.
Honorary Lithuanian Consul Ingrida Bublys and Senator George Voinovich pledge allegiance
Fr. Ralph Wiatrowksi gave the invocation
Sen George Voinovich and Caryn Candisky from Sen Rob Portman's office
Sen George Voinovich and Ingrida Bublys
Janet Voinovich and Mark Wipper
Sen George Voinovich at Rotary Club of Cleveland
Irene Morrow and Sen George Voinovich
August Pust, Janet Voinovich and Fr. Wiatrowski

Manuel Lopez, Honorary Consul of Spain
Romas Bublys and Consul Jure Zmauc of Slovenia
Consul Zmauc and Honorary Consuls

Alex Machaskee and August Pust

Consuls with Sen George Voinovich
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